Office of Construction & Facilities Management

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Design Manual Index with titles and dates, by Discipline
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Automated Transport Systems Change Summary
- Automatic Guide Vehicles (AGV), Automated Mobile Robots (AMR) System
- Dumbwaiter and Cartlift
- Elevator Elevator DM Change Summary
- Material and Solid Waste Management, Linen and Trash Chutes
- Pneumatic Tube System Design Manual
CPM Schedule and Risk Management
Elevator - see Automated Transport section above
Equipment - Effective September 24, 2019 the Equipment Design Manual dated June 2006 is rescinded and shall not be utilized for VA Projects. VA project requiring equipment design information and Acquisition Code definitions should refer to the following locations:
- PG 18-5 Equipment Guide List
- VA BIM Standard
- Space and Equipment Planning System (SEPS)
- Military Standard 1691
Fire Protection Change Summary
Clean Agent Comparison
HVAC Chapter 6 Table (Section 508 compliant)
Change Summary
Hazard Communication Standard Policy
Interior Design Change Summary
Physical Security & Resiliency
Compliance Date: All projects in VA’s Major Construction Program that are in design at the effective date of the manual but have not concluded the 35-percent design milestone (defined as Schematic Design or SD2) must incorporate the requirements of this manual. Major projects that have reached the 35-percent design milestone are required to be in compliance with the edition of this manual effective at the time OR the current version, at the discretion of the Project Delivery Team.
Design Manual - October 2020, Minor Revisions 05-01-2024 - Change Summary
Design Manual - January 2015
- Request archived manuals from TIL mailbox
Other Documents
Download Signage Design Manual materials in compressed format
- Signage Design Manual
- VA Signage Artwork (compressed Adobe Illustrator file)
- VHA Standardized Signage Nomenclature
- Parking Design Manual and Demand Model Change Summary
- Parking Demand Model (xls)
- Parking Demand Model (xlsm)
- Site Design Manual
- Site Design Manual Appendix
Summary of Changes
Steam, Heating Hot Water, and Outside Distribution Systems